Field Report from Artist in Residence: Jules Rochielle
An update about the Grand Central Artist in Residency Project: In an effort to begin a project that reflected the needs of the community surrounding Grand Central Art Center, the months of March and April have been filled with a range of community building activities. In order to build a strong set of community connections […]
If you were here for First Saturday, we are sure you enjoyed the amazing evening of activities presented at Grand Central Art Center! If you couldn’t make it, here is a sampling of what you missed†¦ WHAT IS DEMOCRACY? TEEN WORKSHOP Working with young women, staff and volunteers from the Downtown Santa Ana Library, […]
FIRST SATURDAY – April 7 in Downtown Santa Ana!
Please join us this First Saturday, April 7, 7-10pm! See details below for a complete list of all the activities occurring throughout the day†¦ AIR Studio Space – Jules Rochielle ARTIST IN RESIDENCE Meet our current Artist in Residence working in Social Practice, Jules Rochielle. She will open the AIR store front studio space […]
Grand Central Art Center Forward Vision Featured in LA Times Article!
Thank You to Holly Myers at the Los Angeles Times for the wonderful article spotlighting the Grand Central Art Center FORWARD VISION! If you missed the article, here’s a link: John Spiak wants Grand Central Art Center to be engaged neighbor,0,5401700.story
WHY DID THE 340 TON BOULDER CROSS THE ROAD? Because it was discontent with its current economic situation and wants to join the Occupy movement… If anyone else is like me and a giant boulder driving through downtown (enter city here) gets your rocks off, (like that guy in the picture) then you better get […]
Drawing and Painting Grad Exhibition @ CSUF
THE BODY THROUGH PRESENCE / THE BODY THROUGH ABSENCE Drawing and Painting Grad Exhibition @ CSUF Main Campus MARCH 17 – 22, 2012 OPENING RECEPTION: MARCH 17, 5-8PM Many of the artists are current residence living on site here at Grand Central Art Center! PARTICIPATING ARTISTS INCLUDE: Sara Dehghan Devora Orantes Anna Bae Alice Emmons […]
Jules Rochielle: Portable City Project’s Artist in Residence @ GCAC
Jules Rochielle: Portable City Project’s Artist in Residence @ Grand Central Art Center March – May 2012 With artist collaborative partners: Carmen Montoya Paige Tighe Christina Sanchez “Owen Driggs” – Janet Owen Driggs and Matthew Owen Driggs Silvia Mantilla Ortiz Jamie Crooke Yevgeniya Mikhailik During this initial phase of Jules Rochielle’s Grand Central Art Center […]
Paul Ramirez Jonas in Residence for Site Visit!
Artist Paul Ramirez Jonas is here for the week doing a site visit of Grand Central Art Center and downtown Santa Ana as we prepare to develop a future Social Practice residency project together. Ramirez will return at future dates as an artist in residence to realize his vision. Here is a link for more […]
OH THE BURNING! IT BURNS ME! (obscure Arrested Development reference) Do you like books??? Real, tangible books that you don’t have to read on your 3.5″ iphone screen? Then Grand Central is the place for you. Almost ALL BOOKS are $10!(a few annoying restrictions apply) but for the most part, Almost ALL […]