Cog*nate Collective: Now & Always Santa Ana (NASA)
Cog*nate Collective: Now & Always Santa Ana (NASA)
July 1st from 7-10pm

Cog*nate Collective, Now & Always Santa Ana (NASA). Courtesy of the artists.
This summer, GCAC artists-in-residence Cog*nate Collective will be facilitating a series of recording sessions + listening stations as part of Now & Always Santa Ana (NASA), a pirate-radio station dedicated to space exploration on a local, regional, and cosmic scale.
Their first recording session, taking place during Artwalk, will depart from the scale of the body to re-imagine and re-articulate borders from this vantage point.
Content produced as part of this session will be featured alongside other programming in the first pirate broadcasts in August.
Cog*nate Collective develops research projects + public interventions + experimental pedagogical programs in collaboration with communities across the US/Mexico border region. Since being founded in 2010, their work has interrogated the evolution of the border as it is simultaneously erased by neoliberal economic policies and bolstered through increased militarization — tracing the fallout of this incongruence for migrant communities on either side of the border. As a result, their site-specific projects often address issues of migration, informal economies, and the construction of collective identities through popular cultural, proposing an understanding of the border not as a bifurcating line, but as a region that expands and contracts with the movement of people and objects. They currently work between Tijuana, MX, Mexicali, MX, Santa Ana, CA and
Los Angeles, CA.
Los Angeles, CA.